Selasa, 09 September 2014

Make Money from 2D Formulas Singapore Pools 99% Jackpot

2D, 3D, 4D is certainly no stranger to the betting players.This formulas is only valid in the 2D Singapore Pools.If lottery game you have not registered in this game please click here

As the title is 99%, then there are times when this formula is not entered, because the numbers we turn off it turns live.Presentation 99% I took from result if within 3 months there are 60 rounds, then this formula will fall only 3 times in 3 month.

So keep POP (
Prioritizing Own Predictions).

There are 6 formula that we use to shut down between 40-55 digit numbers will not be out in the next period or what we call the death rate 2D.And later will be combined and is the reference betting on  next period.This formulas taken from various sources in the virtual world and have my own test accuracy.Can we said
to seek the death number and gain live number, we will be able to gain additional money from playing the lottery, the keywords are always consistent with this formula .If fall when he first tried this formula then tomorrow we will get Jackpot or win the number.

PS: Singapore Pools only valid Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Here we will take the example to predict expenditure for the Wednesday, August 27th 2014.So, our benchmark is the number of output periods before Wednesday, the Monday, August 25, 2014  : 5030.

Lets immediately enter the magical moves.

1. Spider kill method from Ms.Queen.

The trick is, tail number 1digit result yesterday rose sequentially in the direction of the needle with a spider web formation, contact numbers are the numbers that die in the coming days drawing, from the example image above the death rate is:

This method usually produces up to 16 numbers dead.

* Based on the table / image above if we would predict output for the Wednesday, August 27 2014.Where 2D is out on Monday, August 25, 2014 is : 5030.
It will meet the death numbers is:
2.Backflip method (development of Mbah.Tjitoe)

The trick is to reverse the previous 2D daily expenditure figures last 4 digits add up. This method produces a 5 digit die.

Example: result  Monday, August 25, 2014: 5030, 2D numbers is 30.Then the numbers we backflip and then we raise 4 digits.
30 turned into 03, then we raise 4 digits so the result is: 03,04,05,06,07 .

That 2D is going to die on the day Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

3. Shio (Chines Zodiac) and Index method

Picture of  Shio
Table :

 Index Table :
 0=5,  5=0
 1=6,  6=1
 2=7,  7=2
 3=8,  8=3
 4=9,  9=4
Then the index results and the corresponding number in the horizontal row will die.

We enter the result Monday, August 25, 2014: 5030,2Dnya is 30.
3 at index table = 8
0 at index table = 5
So see numbers 85 (result of index 2D).

Look for the shio table at horizontal row with the number 85, then the numbers will be met:

The 2D will die on the day Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

4.Method by date and Shio table

Example: we will predict death number at the output of the 2D Wednesday, August 27 2014.The date is 27. Look for the
shio table at horizontal row with the number 27, then the numbers will be met: 03,15,27,39,51,63,75,87,99.
The 2D will die on the day Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

5.Method based summation date and Shio table 

Example: we will predict death number at the output of the 2D Wednesday, August 27 2014.The date  is 27.So, 2 + 7 = 9.
Look for the shio table at horizontal row with the number 9, then will meet the numbers: 09,21,33,45,57,69,81,93.
The 2D will die on the day Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

6.Method 2D diedly 6 numbers based on result previous period

Example: we will predict death numbers at the output of the 2D Wednesday, August 27 2014.Then we should know the result of 2D periods before Wednesday, August 27.

The result is:

Monday,      August 18, 2014 = 7877 = 2D is = 77
Wednesday, August 20, 2014 = 1291 = 2D is = 91
Thursday,    August 21, 2014 = 0772 = 2D is = 72
Saturday,     August 23, 2014 = 9584 = 2D is = 84
Sunday,       August 24, 2014 = 8773 = 2D is = 73
Monday,      August 25, 2014 = 5030 = 2D is = 30

So 77,91,72,84,73,30. The 2D is going to die on the day Wednesday, August 27, 2014.

Singapore which has not been updated result can click here and then click directly HASIL on the  menu.

* Conclusion:

Combine 2D death number of 6 above formula to be a reference to the bet on Wednesday, August 27 2014.So after our predict with 6 above formula, result of the death 2D numbers is:


47 numbers = total number dead.

So,lets you bet 2D numbers other than the above numbers.

We see the result today Wednesday, August 27, 2014 is 8535, the 2D is 35. 

Congratulation yours JACKPOT.

* Profit 

1.In the above case we get 47 dead numbers, meaning we have to bet 53 numbers that we deem live.

2.If you are betting in the online bookie $1 each you bet it will be at a discount of 27% per number of 2D, so you will only spend $ 0.72 per number

53 x $0,72 = $38.16  (the capital).

The results you get per $1 is $70, then prizes you get $70 - $38.16 = $31.84

If you have not registered on the online dealers please click here
$31.84 is too small in the present, that everything is expensive.But need to remember that if you are only betting to $1 per number, but if you are betting $10, $100, or even 1 million per number?

Multiply your stay and count how many bags of money that you earn.

Thank,s for your attention.Good Luck.

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